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Who said cows can't fly?
Once upon a time, a brave cow chose to shape her own destiny. Welcome to Sky Cowing, where cows dare...

Sky Cowing is a funny and very addictive game in which you play the role of a legendary cow, named "Burlina".

Sky Cowing offers two different game modes: Cowing in the wind, a funny 100 seconds free fall where we have to help Burlina to collect as many bonus as possible and the newest mode Cowing in a dream, where our cow is grappling with a weird "dreamy" free fall.

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first reviewer

"Funny, accurate, beautiful in graphics, perfect in every detail, with an involving screenplay and character worthy of Academy Awards: overall score is for sure 10/10. Ops, that's not that game with a guy who wanna be a pirate?! Sorry, wrong review article."
(Anonymous pro game-reviewer)

second reviewer

"Not so a great game, you see. However, the main character is soooo cool! I love how she looks like and how she moves. She's a star! The all-time chic-est game character."
(Someone 'unusually' similar to Burlina...)

third reviewer

"Ehm… Listen, really, I do not know anything about cows, parachutes and stuff like that. I do not even know these guys of monkeycubeinteractive or how the hell it's spelled!"
(A witness)

fourth reviewer

"Sky Cowing is very addictive. If you start playing, you would never stop. One game after the other, and soon you will lose your friends, your family, your life. Please, play it responsibly."
(Natural Blonde)